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Munich – The Man Who Said No

by Stephen Wynn on June 28, 2020

Munich - The man who said noA really interesting book, and well worth a read. Munich – The Man Said No, tells the story of how two men gatecrash the conference at Munich as the then British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, is about to sign an agreement, which in essence gives Adolf Hitler everything that he wants in relation to Czechoslovakia.

One of the men is an American correspondent who cannot believe Chamberlain’s naïvety at giving in to Nazis demands. He is determined to stop the deal from going ahead, by bursting in to the conference, and as he makes his declaration to the gathering of world leaders, including Chamberlain and Hitler, his friend pulls a gun ………. I will stop there, and leave you to find out what happens yourself.

Trust me, if thrillers are your thing, then this is a book you will not be able to put down.

Find our more about the author David Laws on his website and Facebook page.

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